3 Tips to Make New Year's Resolutions for a Healthier You


It has been estimated that up to 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail. But does that mean that we should abandon this practice of setting goals for the New Year? 🎊


I don't think so-- I believe that evaluating our priorities and setting goals at the start of a new year can be a great opportunity! ✨


But in order to increase our chances of success, we need to make our resolutions with the right approach. Here are 3 of my recommendations, if you plan to make resolutions regarding your health or your weight this year:


When setting goals, try to focus on ROOT CAUSES. One of the most common New Year's resolutions is to “lose weight,” but recognize that excess weight and fat are actually a SYMPTOM of insulin resistance and poor metabolic health.  While restricting calories, cutting carbs, and taking weight loss medications may work in the short term to help you lose weight, in the long term, these methods will not improve your metabolic health, and may actually cause more harm than good.

Our body weight is determined by our HORMONES and our METABOLIC HEALTH.  Rather than focusing on numbers on a scale, aim to improve your metabolic health instead.  Not only will this help you lose weight permanently, but it will also help you to prevent and reverse many of our most common diseases!


Be KIND to yourself. In our diet crazy society, where we are so hyper-focused on calories and carbs and numbers on a scale, when we are trying to lose weight or improve our health, the focus is often the opposite of nurturing ourselves or being kind to ourselves. But I promise, with SELF COMPASSION and SELF CARE as your focus, you will be much more likely to reach your goals (and enjoy the process!).


Try to really think about the WHY. Losing weight is a priority for many. But when we dig deeper, losing weight is not just about numbers on a scale. In reality, numbers on a scale are meaningless.

If we dig a little deeper, what matters more is: increasing our energy, improving our quality of life, optimizing our physical health, boosting our mental health, increasing our self esteem, practicing self compassion, preventing disease and living our best life. When we fully appreciate and understand our why, we are much more likely to stick to our plan, and reach our goals!


As a board certified physician, I have created my online programs to help you lose weight and prevent/reverse disease by targeting ROOT CAUSES (including Insulin Resistance/Poor Metabolic Health, Chronic Inflammation, Poor Gut Health, Poor Nutritional health), with self care, self compassion, and nourishment as the focus. 


My programs have helped participants lose weight permanently (without dieting or deprivation), significantly lower their blood sugar (and hemoglobin A1C), improve their blood pressure, drastically reduce their cholesterol, increase their energy, boost their mood and confidence, improve their sleep, and more.


If you want my help to reach your health and weight loss goals, please check out my website, and reach out to me if you have any questions!  I am here for you and rooting for you! 


Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year! 


Learn more about how Head Heart Hands can help you Lose Weight, Prevent/Reverse disease, and Improve Your Quality of Life!

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