Lose Weight and Prevent/Reverse Disease by Targeting ROOT CAUSES 

Learn about the most common ROOT CAUSES of disease that we don’t often talk about when we go to the doctor (including Insulin Resistance, Chronic Inflammation, and Excess Visceral Fat), and learn the first steps to start reversing them. You will leave with actionable strategies to help you lose weight, prevent and reverse disease, and add healthier and happier years to your life.

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Lose Weight and Prevent/Reverse Disease by Targeting ROOT CAUSES

Learn about the most common ROOT CAUSES of disease that we don’t often talk about when we go to the doctor (including Insulin Resistance, Chronic Inflammation, and Excess Visceral Fat), and learn the first steps to start reversing them. You will leave with actionable strategies to help you lose weight, prevent and reverse disease, and add healthier and happier years to your life.

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Lose Weight

Learn how to lose weight permanently by tackling both the Hormonal and Emotional drivers of weight gain.  This program promotes healthy weight loss, without dieting and deprivation, without counting calories, and without counting carbs. 

Prevent and

Reverse Disease 

Learn how to prevent (and even often reverse) diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and High Cholesterol by targeting ROOT CAUSES, including insulin resistance and chronic inflammation. 

Live A Happier Life

The choices we make now will have an immediate effect on our energy levels, our mood, our pain levels,  our risk of disease, and how we look and feel, but these same choices will also determine our future.  Our goal is not to just get by.  We want to thrive.

About Your Presenter

Ritu Saluja-Sharma, MD

I am a board certified Emergency Medicine Physician, a board certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician, and a Nutrition and Health coach, with over 20 years of clinical experience. 

I know how it feels to struggle with your health, but not get answers or help from our healthcare system.

This is why I created my Head Heart Hands programs!

My programs were designed to give patients the guidance, support, and tools to lower their blood pressure, blood sugars, and cholesterol, and to lose weight permanently-- by targeting the ROOT CAUSES of these conditions, without adding medications. 

In this webinar, I will empower you with the information and tools that most doctors don't have time to share with their patients.  This information and these tools can help you transform your health and transform your life.

Let's get started!


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