Transform Your Health Without Medications

A Physician-Created, Proven, Step-By-Step Program to Lose Weight and Lower Your Blood Sugars, Cholesterol, and Blood Pressure in 12 Weeks.

→ Get the 12 Week Journey of Wellness and Weight Loss

Target Root Causes Rather Than Just Managing Symptoms

Most people are not getting the help they need from our healthcare system “sick-care system”. 

In our system dictated by Insurance Companies, Big Pharma and Big Business, most people only have about 15 minutes with their doctor, and in that time, the emphasis is mostly just on prescribing and managing prescriptions, not helping them target the ROOT CAUSES of their problems, so they can PREVENT and REVERSE disease, without medications.

80% of our most common chronic diseases can be Prevented, including: 80% of Heart Disease, 80% of Strokes, 80% of Type 2 Diabetes, 40% of Cancers, 30% of Alzheimer’s Dementia, and More. 

Not only that, but many of our most common diseases can even often be reversed- including Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and High Cholesterol.

Get the Guidance, Support, and Tools To Help You:

Lose Weight Permanently and Decrease Your Waist Size

Reverse Insulin Resistance to Lower Your Blood Sugars and Prevent/Potentially Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

Prevent or Reduce

Improve Your Heart Health to Prevent Heart Disease and Strokes

Dramatically Lower Your Cholesterol and Reduce Your Blood Pressure

Reduce Chronic Inflammation, Chronic Illness and Chronic Pain

Change Your Mindset and
Improve Your Mood

Significantly Increase
Your Energy

Improve Your Quality
of Sleep

I know what it feels like to struggle with your health, but not get answers or help from our healthcare system.

As a board certified physician who has worked on the front lines of our healthcare system in the ER for over 15 years, I know that most patients are not given any help to lower their blood sugars, cholesterol, and blood pressure, to help them lose weight, or to help them improve the way they feel, without medications— even though this is the help most people need most.

While searching for answers and a better solution, I continued my training, and earned a second board certification in Lifestyle Medicine. Through this training I learned about the ROOT CAUSES of our most common diseases, and how to help people PREVENT and REVERSE their type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol without medications—information I never learned in med school.

Realizing that if I didn’t know this information, my patients didn’t either, I made it my mission to empower patients to PREVENT and REVERSE disease by targeting ROOT CAUSES. The results have been incredible.

Everyone deserves this help.

What is Included in the 12 Week Program?

Week 1: "Unlocking the Path to Sustainable Weight Loss and Health"

Discover the truth behind weight struggles and learn how to break free from ineffective dieting methods.

We'll start with exposing the flawed dietary guidelines, deceptive food industry tactics, and the pitfalls of traditional diet culture and focus on a holistic approach, to help you lose weight and transform your health.

We'll then reveal how this approach can dramatically decrease your risk for heart attacks and strokes, the number 1 cause of death in the world.  This information could quite literally add years to your life.

Week 2: "Unlock Nutrition's Power for Lasting Health"

Gain deep nutritional wisdom, demystify carbs, explore vital macronutrients, harness whole grains' health benefits, understand gluten, and master the glycemic index for better carb choices.

Dig deep into learning about the healthiest protein choices, all about the types of fats.  Learn what exactly you should be putting on your plate and why. 

Week 3: "Demystify Weight Loss & Embrace Health"

Uncover the science of weight loss, bust diet myths, ditch calorie counting, overcome frustration with proven approaches, and make evidence-based choices for lasting health.

Learn the what, how, and why of the Head Heart Hands 14 step eating plan for weight loss and disease prevention/reversal.  Learn how reversing insulin resistance is the key to weight loss.

Week 4: "Guarding Against Cancer: Knowledge & Action" AND "Lower Your Cholesterol in 12 Weeks"

Dive into vital cancer insights, uncover common and hidden risk factors, and empower yourself with knowledge to reduce your cancer risk and enhance survival rates.

Take a deep dive to learn all about high cholesterol, and how to prevent and reverse it.  Learn exactly what your cholesterol numbers mean and what you can do to improve them.  Learn how and why high cholesterol is linked to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Cholesterol medications are some of the most commonly prescribed medications in the US, yet for many people, cholesterol can be lowered without medications. 

Week 5: "Mastering Hypertension: Your Road to Optimal Blood Pressure" AND "How to Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes"

Explore the root causes of high blood pressure, demystify its complexities, and learn how to reduce your blood pressure without medications. Dive deep into effective lifestyle solutions to take control of your blood pressure and safeguard your heart, kidneys, and overall health.

Revisit the Head Heart Hands 14 step eating plan, and learn how this plan can help you to prevent (and even potentially reverse) Type 2 diabetes. Learn even more about insulin resistance, the what, the why, and how to reverse it.  Learn how insulin resistance is driving Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, and get a step by step roadmap to reverse both.

Week 6: "Embracing Health Through Physical Activity: Your Journey to Wellness" AND "Sleep is a Superpower. Improve the Quality and Quantity of Your Sleep."

Explore the profound impact of physical activity and its essential role in attaining optimal health.  Gain insights into recommended activity levels, methods for gauging intensity, and how exercise contributes to your overall well-being, including the health of your brain and heart.

Learn how to improve both the quality and quantity of your sleep. Gain actionable strategies to improve your sleep, to both improve your health and improve your quality of life.

Week 7: "Boosting Emotional Well-being: The Lifestyle Connection" AND "Stress and the Stress Response."

Delve into the intricate relationship between physical and mental health.  See how small changes in your life can lead to improved mental health and overall well-being.

Explore how stress is linked to numerous medical conditions and understand the physiological response of the autonomic nervous system. Discover the importance of making small, conscious changes to reduce stress and improve well-being. Begin the journey to identify stressors in your life and create your own wellness prescription.

Week 8: "Stress Reduction Strategies: Cultivating Inner Peace and Well-Being"

Learn how practicing mindfulness can improve both physical and mental health.  Learn about the physiologic mechanisms that explain the physical and mental health benefits of mindfulness.

Explore mindfulness as a state of mind, as an informal practice and as a formal practice. Learn how practicing mindfulness in these ways can be beneficial for disease prevention and your quality of life.

Learn specific mindfulness techniques for improved sleep, increased self compassion, and reducing stress quickly and easily.

Week 9: "Master Micronutrients for Vibrant Health"

Explore the vital role of micronutrients, from powering cellular processes to bolstering immunity. Learn about deficiency risks, make informed supplement choices, and unleash the energy-boosting potential of phytonutrients. 

Learn strategies to eat a micronutrient rich diet, to optimize your health, without counting and reading labels.

Week 10: "Extinguish Inflammation. Secrets for a Healthier You"

Gain insights into the truth about inflammation and its profound influence on your daily life. Understand how inflammation serves as both a body defender and a potential threat. Discover effective anti-inflammatory strategies for a healthier future.

Learn how many of our most common diseases are linked to chronic inflammation, including autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivity disorders (including asthma and allergies), arthritis and pain, heart disease, neurologic diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases, and more.  Learn how to extinguish chronic inflammation to reduce your risk for, and better manage these condiitons.

Week 11: "Unlocking the Power of Your Microbiome" AND "Our Bodies and Our Earth"

Delve into the fascinating world of the microbiome, a complex community of microorganisms inhabiting your body. Discover how this microbiome influences critical aspects of your health, from aiding in digestion to regulating your immune system and even affecting brain function. Explore the intriguing links between the microbiome and chronic conditions like asthma, allergies, autoimmune diseases, and mental health disorders.

Learn how our health and our earth's health are intricately connected. Learn how what we eat has the power to both heal us and heal our planet.

Week 12: "Discovering the Path to a Longer, Healthier, and Happier Life"

Explore increasing both your lifespan and health span, uncover disparities in US health, and learn from Blue Zones where people enjoy extended, healthy lives through lifestyle choices like physical activity, anti-inflammatory diets, stress reduction, ample sleep, social ties, and purpose.

Learn how the changes you are making will help you add healthier and happier years to your life.

Participant Results


  • Lower Blood Sugar/A1C
  • Reversal of Type 2 Diabetes/ Prediabetes
  • Weight Loss 10-20+ Lbs
  • Drastically Reduced Cholesterol
  • Decreased Joint Pain
  • Decreased Blood Pressure
  • Resolved Acid Reflux
  • Increased Energy
  • Improved Digestion and Less Bloating
  • Improved Complexion
  • Increased Confidence
  • Improved Sleep
  • Improved Mental Clarity
  • Improved Endurance
  • Happier/Improved Mood

*Results, Testimonials and Transformation Stories Reflect Individual Experiences from Real People who have participated in the 12 week program.  However, they are individual results, and results cannot be guaranteed.

12 Week Journey of Wellness and Weight Loss

Testimonials and Transformation Stories
  • Participant #1

-"I have had diabetes for 22 years, and I have struggled a lot with it. My A1C was as high as 13. When I started with you, my A1c was 7.4.
Now it is 6.5."

-"I had hand swelling and pain, and didn't know what was causing it. Now it is much better. I can bend my fingers."

-"It's amazing. I have more energy."

-"My blood pressure was high. It used to be 190/90, and now it is better. Yesterday when I checked it was 134."

-"Yesterday I went to see the eye doctor and he asked what I have been doing. Even my vision is better."

-"For me, I'm very grateful."

Results after 12 week program:
  • Hemoglobin A1C 7.4 to 6.5 in 3 months. (She has gone from uncontrolled diabetes levels, to close to reversing her diabetes, and being in prediabetes levels).
  • Lost 8 pounds
  • Reduced inflammation and arthritis pain
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improved Vision

  • Participant #2

"-The program was really helpful, and it was just enough to push me over the edge.

-"This is different than other programs because it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change."

"-I wish I could go back to age 22 and know everything that I know now."

-About what he would tell others about the program, "Don't even think about it. Do it."

Results after 12 week program:
  • Lost 20 lbs during 12 weeks, 40+ pounds since completing program
  • Cholesterol decreased from 184 to 107.
  • LDL decreased from 88 to 64
  • Triglycerides decreased from 294 to 105
  • Blood Pressure decreased: 143/89 to 108/61)

  • Participant #3

-"Before the program, I tried so many things, I even went to a nutritionist, but it didn't help. I didn't lose weight. And I spent so much money, $100 per week."

-"This program has made me motivated to reverse my diabetes."

-"I have a big difference in my energy. When my A1c is down, I feel proud of myself. And my anxiety is gone."

-"I always slept 5 hours. Now I am sleeping 7 hours. It makes me more energetic. I feel like my body is light."

-"I had high cholesterol, and now it is down. My doctor stopped my cholesterol medication. I had so many issues for my health, and I am so glad that I am off of medication now.My doctor said that if I keep doing what I am doing, she may be able to take me off of my diabetes medicine too."

-"My blood pressure was always high. The top number would be 180, but the bottom number was always 90 or 100. I even went to the emergency room a couple of times. Now no more 90. Now the bottom number is always 80-82. The blood pressure is under much better control."

-"I had anxiety, I had high blood pressure high blood sugar, reflux, cholesterol. I would take all the medication and it would give me anxiety. I would feel like crying. Now I don't feel it now. It changed my life."

Results after 12 week program:
  • Hemoglobin A1C 6.9 to 6.2, in 3 months (She is no longer in type 2 diabetes range. Current level is now in pre-diabetes range)
  • Drastically lowered cholesterol (Her cholesterol medication has now been discontinued by her doctor).
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Acid reflux resolved
  • Increased energy
  • Reduced Anxiety
  • Lost 5lbs
  • Improved sleep
  • Husband and sons are also losing weight. Husband lost 10 lbs. 2 sons each lost 5-6lbs

"Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life, free of disease and free of medications.

But in order to achieve this, we need the guidance, support, and tools to target the root causes of our problems— so we can prevent and reverse disease. Unfortunately, in our healthcare system, the emphasis is mostly just on disease management and expensive pharmaceuticals, not disease prevention and reversal— leaving most of the patients that I see feeling powerless and frustrated with their health.

I understand, because in the past, I have felt that way too.

I believe that everyone should have the right to the guidance, support and tools, to prevent and reverse disease and feel their best— and this is why I created my Head Heart Hands programs, which have empowered so many participants transform their health and transform their life, in just 12 weeks."

-Dr Ritu Saluja-Sharma

Here is How The Head Heart Hands Method Works:


The program provides Step-By-Step Guidance to help you Lose Weight, Lower Your Blood Sugars, Decrease Your Cholesterol, and Reduce Your Blood Pressure, without medications.


The Online Coaching Modules offer emotional support, emphasizing self compassion and self care, helping you overcome the emotional barriers that can hinder weight loss and improved health.


You will receive all of the essential tools you need to succeed, including meal plans, recipes, grocery lists, a step-by-step workbook, a 28-day challenge, and more, empowering you to transform your health.

Head Heart Hands Focuses on Disease Prevention and Reversal, NOT Disease Management


The 12 Week Program Contains All of the Guidance, Support, and Tools You Need to Get Results ...

A Journey of Wellness and Weight Loss

$299 $149

12 Week Guided Program to Lose Weight and Prevent and Reverse Our Most Common Diseases

  • Insulin Resistance Intensive, Prevent/Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
  • Unlock the Path to Sustainable Weight Loss
  • Chronic Inflammation
  • Macronutrients Demystified (Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats)
  • How to Eat a Micronutrient Rich Diet
  • Prevent and Reverse Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease)
  • Virtual Coaching Modules
  • Lower Your Cholesterol
  • Prevent Heart Disease
  • Lower Your Blood Pressure
  • Reduce Your Cancer Risk
  • Improve Your Mental Health/ Reduce Stress
  • Mindfulness
  • Restore Your Microbiome/Gut Health
  • Increase Longevity
  • Improve Your Sleep
  • Physical Activity

Prevent and Reverse Disease, Lose Weight by Targeting Root Causes 

The 12 Week Journey of Wellness and Weight Loss is a comprehensive, guided program, with weekly learning and coaching videos, addressing all aspects of your health, including insulin resistance, nutrition, and weight loss, but also stress, sleep, and mental health. This program is designed to help you Lose Weight and Prevent (and even potentially Reverse) Prediabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, High Cholesterol, and High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, and more.

→ Get 12 Week Program Now

The Program Includes:

  • Core Learning Modules about weight loss and disease prevention/reversal.
  • Insulin Resistance Intensive, Prevent/Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Module
  • Coaching Modules targeting mindset and achieving permanent results.
  • Access to the Signature 14 Step Plan for Wellness and Weight Loss, designed to battle Insulin resistance and Chronic Inflammation.
  • Access to Recipe and Meal Idea website
  • 1 Full Month of Sample Meal Plans, with corresponding weekly grocery lists,
  • Flexible Meal Plans and Meal Planning Templates
  • Grocery Essentials list to make shopping easier
  • Access to "Program Playbook," a step by step companion guide for the programs
  • Weekly Email Check In's by Dr Saluja-Sharma
  • Immediate Access to all program materials for 2 years

Did you know that your insurance benefits may cover the cost of this program?

If you have an FSA or HSA, you may be able to get reimbursed for the entire cost of these programs. Weight loss programs are an eligible expense, for people who have a medical indication. Download my reimbursement guide to learn more about how to get the Head Heart Hands programs covered.

→ Download Free Reimbursement Guide

More Testimonials

"My cholesterol dropped from 261 to 152 and my bad cholesterol (LDL) dropped from 180 to 82.

Even my blood pressure is down. My blood pressure was always around 142/77, but when I just went to the doctor for my physical my pressure was 127/58.

It's amazing, the difference in everything.
The main difference is that I have more energy. I feel better, I'm not sluggish in the afternoons.
I'm down 23 pounds."


"My doctor has never told me any of this information.

I have more energy. I'm sleeping better. During the program, I lost 22 pounds.
My blood pressure is down. My blood sugars are down.
I'm proud of myself and I'm inspired to keep going. For me it's not hard. You don't feel forced. For me, it was easy.
It's a mindset, that you are not depriving yourself. You feel the benefits of eating healthier That's what that the program teaches you"


"Before entering the program, I was overweight, had knee joint pains, GERD (Acid Reflux), and IBS (Irritable Bowel).
My doctors recommended medications. None recommended lifestyle changes.
Since starting the program, I have noticed many positive physical changes. It took about 4 weeks, but since, I haven't had any GERD related episodes, my IBS struggles are gone, my knees don't hurt and I am steadily losing weight."

In 12 Weeks: Total cholesterol down 51, LDL down 42, and Lost 12 lbs.


"I saw my cardiologist a month ago. He noticed the weight loss. I lost 16 lbs. I have been able to keep the weight off.

He took me off the baby aspirin, and told me to "Keep it up."
For me, Less medicine is good.
My knees feel a lot better. I have put off my knee replacement surgery. I am able to enjoy golf lately. I have stopped going to physical therapy. I haven't really needed to.
What you provide, it's powerful."


" I have lost 15 pounds so far and my clothes fit better.

Recently I started noticing that I am sleeping better and I am waking up refreshed.

AND I feel confident that I can keep these positive changes in the long term.
The videos were super informative, yet concise, giving just enough information to make it easy to start making changes right away."


" The changes I have made seem so insignificant yet, the results are already showing themselves.

I have NEVER lost that much weight in such a short time period and fortunately, I now understand why.

Your videos are great. The length of each is perfect to watch one or two in a sitting and let it sink in."


Reversing Insulin Resistance is the Key to Permanent Weight Loss   

Our body weight is regulated by a complex balance of hormones, and it is when this system is not working correctly, that we gain weight. These hormones, including Insulin, also are linked to many of our most common diseases-- including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, non alcoholic fatty liver disease, polycystic ovarian disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and dementia. This lifestyle plan aims to restore the natural balance of this system, and to REVERSE INSULIN RESISTANCE, while addressing the mindset issues which often hold us back. There will be NO counting calories, NO counting carbs, and NO shame. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are You Ready To Get Started?

→ Get 12 Week Journey Now