Don’t Wait Until You Are Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes to Find Out That You Have Insulin Resistance!


Download this free guide to jumpstart your journey towards reversing Insulin Resistance and improving your health!

Download the Free Guide Now:

9 Important Tests For Insulin Resistance

Information your doctor hasn't told you about how to diagnose insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes-- so you can jumpstart your journey towards reversing insulin resistance and transforming your health.

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Most people don’t get any help from their doctor to Prevent or Reverse Type 2 Diabetes, or to bring down their Cholesterol and Blood Pressure.

All they get are medications.


My Head Heart Hands step-by-step online programs provide the guidance, support, and tools, to help you lower your blood sugars, cholesterol, and blood pressure, and achieve permanent weight loss by targeting the ROOT CAUSES of these conditions including Insulin Resistance.


In just 12 weeks you can feel empowered over your health, and in control of your future.

Words From Previous Participants...

“I was blown away. Absolutely blown away."


"My cholesterol dropped from 261 to 152.  My bad cholesterol (LDL) dropped from 180 to 82. Even my blood pressure is down.  My blood pressure was always around 142/77, but when I just went to the doctor for my physical my pressure was 127/58.

Believe me, I didn’t think any of this was going to be anything. I’m a skeptic. The main difference is that I have more energy.  I feel better, I’m not sluggish in the afternoons.  Before, I used to need a cup of tea in the afternoons to keep going.  Now I don’t need that anymore.

I’m down 23 pounds."

"I pray that your program can reach more people. If they would just take a moment to just listen to the modules, it will change their life forever." 


"You don’t realize until you get on the program, that you will feel so much better. I have more energy. I’m sleeping better.  During the program, I lost 22 pounds.

I have type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure. My blood pressure is down. My blood sugars are down. I’m proud of myself.  It inspires me to keep going. For me it’s not hard.  You don’t feel forced.

Most doctors don’t have the time to really connect with their patients to really help their patients make these changes.  My doctor has never told me any of this information."

"I had anxiety. I had high blood pressure, high blood sugar, reflux, cholesterol. I would take all the medication, and it would give me anxiety. I would feel like crying. Now I don’t feel it [anxiety]. It changed my life.”

“I had high cholesterol, and now it is down. My doctor stopped my cholesterol medication. My doctor said that if I keep doing what I am doing, she may be able to take me off of my diabetes medicine too.”

“My blood pressure was always high. The bottom number was always 90, like the top number would be 180, but the bottom number was always 90 or 100. I even went to the Emergency Room a couple of times. Now no more 90. Now the bottom number is always 80-82. The blood pressure is under much better control.”

Insulin Resistance
Drives Weight Gain and Our Most Common Chronic Diseases


Everyone has likely been affected by conditions like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, high cholesterol, polycystic ovarian disease, and more.  If not personally, then likely everyone has a family member or friend who has been affected. 

Insulin Resistance Drives Many of these Common Diseases!

By reversing insulin resistance, it may be possible to prevent (and even sometimes reverse) many of our most common conditions, to reduce belly fat, and to lose weight permanently.

I know what it feels like to struggle with your health, but not get answers or help from our healthcare system.


As a board certified physician who has worked on the front lines of our healthcare system in the ER for over 15 years, I know that most patients are not given any help to lower their blood sugars, cholesterol, and blood pressure, to help them lose weight, or to help them improve the way they feel, without medications— even though this is the help most people need most.

While searching for answers and a better solution, I continued my training, and earned a second board certification in Lifestyle Medicine. Through this training I learned about the ROOT CAUSES of our most common diseases, and how to help people PREVENT and REVERSE their type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol without medications—information I never learned in med school.

Realizing that if I didn’t know this information, my patients didn’t either, I made it my mission to empower patients to PREVENT and REVERSE disease by targeting ROOT CAUSES. The results have been incredible.

Everyone deserves this help.

Download the Free Guide Now:

9 Important Tests For Insulin Resistance

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